Field Day
Bern's Barn 14365 SW Medowlark Road, Rose Hill, KS, United StatesWe will meet at Bern's Barn for Field Day activities.
We will meet at Bern's Barn for Field Day activities.
FHARC will hold its monthly meeting on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
We will do a transmitter near distance hunt before eating breakfast Burritos. Dennis will give a presentation and discussion on a Ham Clock block.
Join with hams in the community and pick up that missing ham gear. Location: River Walk Church of Christ in Wichita.
FHARC will hold its monthly meeting on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
Repeater Monitoring Voice Messages/Announcements Echolink Documentation Schematic and Procedures Presentation
We'll be having our Christmas dinner at the Barn this year at 4:00 p.m. Spouses and interested prospective Hams are invited. It's a pot luck, so bring your favorite side and/or desert. The Schlueter's will bring the brisket from Hog Wild.
We'll meet for breakfast at the new Livingston's Cafe in Andover in the Skyloft apartment complex. 360 S. Heritage Way, Suite #400, Andover, KS Come between 8:45 and 8:50 so we can get a table together. They will let us move the tables, but you must be on time!
We will be holding our Quarterly Business meeting Face-to-Face at the EOC. We will be holding the Election of Officers.
John Lucas will be presenting and demonstrating the Echolink circuitry that he will be modifying on the FHARC repeater.
We will meet for breakfast at the new Livingston's Cafe in Andover, 360 S. Heritage Way, Suite #400