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FHARC members participate
in numerous activities throughout the year.

FHARC Weather Net

The Butler County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) uses FHARC as one method of communicating with spotter groups and emergency management organizations throughout Butler county. Amateur radio operators have provided invaluable service in support of storm spotting by using their unique communications capabilities to share critical weather information between the Butler County local emergency management officials and storm spotters.

FHARC Christmas Party

FHARC 2022 Christmas Dinner Party

FHARC held its Christmas party on December 13th at Wayne & Barb Schleuter’s home.  Members enjoyed appetizers and rag chewing before enjoying a wonderful and delicious banquet of BBQ, salads, and a “Desert Room”.

Members of the Flint Hills Amateur Radio Club removed Jerry Borger’s Antenna Mast

On March 2, 2022 Tom Grist (KEØKQP), Larry Hastings (AAØLH), Wayne Schlueter (KDØWAT) and John Lucas (KØJDL) tackled the project to take down and remove Jerry Borger’s antennas and mast. 

Jerry Borger's Antenna
Beaumont Special Event

Beaumont Special Event Station

This special event was added in 2019 to celebrate the rich history of a little ghost town in Butler County called Beaumont, Kansas.  On October 19, 2019, we rented out Beaumont’s brand new community center and set up our antennas and radios and conducted a six hour special event using the call sign WØT. 

Amateur Radio “Field Day” Demonstrates Science, Skill, and Service

One of the more popular on-the-air events held each year is Field Day.  FHARC members join thousands others across the US and Canada as hams gather with their clubs, groups and friends to operate their radios from remote locations, oftentimes in abnormal situations and in less than optimal conditions.

Field Day

Santa talks to children in the hospital on ham radio

In 2017, our club started this very special event that occurs two weeks before Christmas.

Members set up a radio for Santa and another is set up to go around to the children’s rooms.