Meteorologists from the National Weather Service office in Wichita will be presenting information that will help prepare storm spotters and weather enthusiasts for the upcoming storm season. Staff will provide an in depth weather presentation that will engage the audience by teaching them about the different types of storms, the individual storm features that help a person to recognize the storm’s potential severity, how to report hazardous weather and severe weather safety.
FHARC will have a table introducing participants to our club activities.
Meteorologists from the National Weather Service office in Wichita will be presenting information that will help prepare storm spotters and weather enthusiasts for the upcoming storm season. Staff will provide an in depth weather presentation that will engage the audience by teaching them about the different types of storms, the individual storm features that help a person to recognize the storm’s potential severity, how to report hazardous weather and severe weather safety.
FHARC will have a table introducing participants to our club activities.
Location: Point Events Center, Augusta, KS
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